Project Description

The illustrator Joëlle Carreño has designed the mascot character used in the El Corte Inglés campaign “Hora de Soñar” in which youtuber David Rees has composed the song.

El Corte Inglés and David Rees add rhythm 🎶 to the children’s bedtime, when they prepare to live new and exciting adventures while they dreaming. As long as we are together, nothing will stop us from fulfilling our dreams. 😴 The video is part of the #EstamosATuLado campaign and has been coordinated by the agency El Cañonazo Transmedia.

Character design, character study made for the production of the video “Hora de soñar”.

Frame from the video of David Rees' song "Hora de soñar", the illustrations have been made by the illustrator Joëlle Carreño.

Frame from the video of David Rees’ song “Hora de soñar”, the illustrations have been made by the illustrator Joëlle Carreño.