Miriam Escobosa
Clara Tanit

I was born in Buenos Aires’s city and I graduated in the National School of Fine Arts of the same city. I started my professional activity doing license work for DC comics (Looney Tunes and Animaniacs) and Disney publishing. Later I oriented my work to the illustration of children’s stories and educational books for children and design of characters working for renowned publishers around the world and from my country too, OUP, Hinkler, Pearson, Mc Millan, Zondervan, Atlántida, Riderchail among others, more than 20 years. I have also participated as a guest at numerous Children’s Book Fairs in Buenos Aires.

Request information about Omar Aranda illustrator

Omar Aranda Illustrator classified in styles:

 Editorial, Fantástico, Ilustradores de cuentos infantiles, Infantil/Children 

Miriam Escobosa
Clara Tanit